Insult Study Robot

Insult Robot: Overview

This is a robot that insults you when you procrastinate. Specifically it insults you when you use your phone you are supposed to be studying. Basically before you use the robot you specify how long you want to study for and how long you want to relax for. The robot will cycle between study mode and relax mode based on the durations that you set. So to start you place your phone on the insult robot, and if you take your phone off of the insult robot during study mode it will insult you until you put the phone back on the insult robot

Insult Robot Demo Video:

Insult Robot: Motivation

I have always been a person that procrastinates, and I wanted something that made procrastinating less entincing. I knew I wanted to do something with negative reinforcement because I thought it would be more interesting. A think my biggest inspiration for the insults was when I saw a video about a roomba that screams when it bumps into things, and I wanted to having a screaming robot. Then in combining the idea of a screaming robot, and a robot that disincentivized procrastinating which lead to have the idea of a robot that insulted you when you procrastinated on your work.

Insult Robot: Fabrication


While this Robot was more intensive on the programming side. There was still alot of work which went into the hardware and construction of this robot.

To prototype everything I just had everything in a breadboard, which was great for rapid prototyping when I was still trying to work on the functionality of the robot. However, the breadboard and the jumper wires had their flaws. The biggest flaws being the loose connections and the untidiness. While I was working if I moved the robot around wires would sometimes disconnect, and as well as jumpers had a lot of excess size leading to the circuits just be generally messy.

This lead me to using a protoboard, and soldering all of my connections together instead of making all of my connections via the bread board.

The protoboard just lead to much stronger connections between all of my electronics because they were now soldered together. As well as, using custom cut wires cut down on a lot of the clutter as the wires were now cut to be as long as they need to be, so there was very little excess length to the wires.

All of the pins of the protoboard were completely separate unlike a bread board where you have power and ground lines, in addition to the rows being connected. A lack of power and ground lines were a problem, so after a tip from Nathan, I stripped two wires down completely. I then soldered the first wire to Vin pin on the ESP32 and the 5V pin on the ESP32S2. Then the other wire to a ground pin on both microcontrollers, so there was one common ground. Now I had a power line and a ground line which I could power all the electronics with. As well as, since the VIN pins of the microcontrollers were both hooked up to the power line if you powered one microcontroller it would power the other

Wood Enclosure:

After the electronics were all wired up it was time to find an encasing to hold all of them. I wanted this box to feel very low tech so as it not distract the user and fitting in with the theme of disincentivizing procrastination. So because of this low tech theme for the enclosure, I designed to laser cut the box out of wood. As well as I wanted to refrain from gluing any of the electronics to the enclosure in case I made any mistake or if anything broke which is why there are screw holes in the enclosure to allow all of the electronics to be screwed in, so that they can be removed later if needed.

However, before the enclosure was done, I needed to make the top of the box. The challenging part being that the top of the box is that it needs to hold the wireless charger as the user will put their phone on the top of the box. In order to attach the wireless charger to the box without gluing it I decided to make wooden platform that I would screw the wireless charger into and then I would screw that wooden platform into the top of the box.

Once the protoboard was all wired up and all of the pieces of the enclosure were lasercut and assembled. The only thing that was left is to put everything together and put everything into place.

Insult Robot: Programming

This robot was very intensive on the programming side as it involved two ESP 32s. Since you could only drive a speaker with the original ESP32, but the ESP32 does not have enough pins on it to drive the, wireless charger, speaker, microSD Card, LCD Screen, and rotary encorder. Because of This issue I had to use an ESP32 and ESP32S2. In needing two boards, this separated the code into 3 parts, ESP32S2 Code, ESP32 Code, and the Code to communicate between them.

Insult Robot: Final Reflections + Improvements

I definitely learned a lot of the course of this project. Before reading period I was quite ahead on my project, and because of that I thought it would be a good idea to add additional features. I want the phone to be on a platform in a box and rise up to the user when they started their study session, but I so realized I had bitten off more than I could chew and I still needed to attach the electronics the protoboard and make the enclosure which I also heavily underestimated. Overall, I think this project taught me a lot about prioritization, and making sure you have the most critical systems working before you move onto the optional features.

Overall, I acheived the goal that I set in the beginning of this class which was to make a robot which insults me when I use my phone when I am supposed to be studying. While I am very glad with achieving that goal and the progress I made, there is still a lot of room for improvements. I mean the first improvement I wanted to make is either using only one microcontroller (which coudl be possible if I could drive speaker with ESP32S2) or get ESP Now working, so both ESP32s do not need to be plugged into my laptop. As well as, my wireless charger as was using an external power supply which meant having another cable. If I had more time I would have liked to wire everything up such that I only had to plug in one micro usb cable to run the device instead of 3. Also I realized during the playtest that even if you phone is on the charger you can still use it, without taking it off, so if I were to expand it more I would definitely have the phone reside inside of the box with some kind of locking mechanism. As well as, I would have loved to make a better enclosure, I did not want to have to glue anything together, but because of time I glued parts of the enclosure together. With more time I would have had the entire enclosure held together by screws.