Week 3: Kinetic Scupltures
A Robot that Answers Lifes Hardest Questions
I wanted to take another attempt at making a kinetic sculpture with all of the skills I had learned to far in PS70. Since I have had to ask so many questions over the course of this class I wanted to make a sculpture that would answer all of my questions. Which is my I made the .....
Yes No Board
The basic idea of how I assembled this together is I made motor mount and press fit motor attachment to attach the motor to the arrow and then attach to the motor to the yes no board. Below are the 3D printed attachments. The press fit attachment allows me to screw the arrow onto the motor, and the motor mount allows me to screw the motor onto the yes no board

Then after the attachments were printed I attached the motor to the arrow and the board

Then after giving the board some legs and atatching it to the board, I just needed to hook it up the arduino to get it working. With this arduino it is just listening for a button press and once it is pressed it spins a random number of milliseconds between 500 and 3000. Wiring and code below.

const int A1A = 3; // define pin 3 for A-1A
const int A1B = 4; // define pin 4 for A-1B
int buttonState = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(A1A, OUTPUT); // specify these pins as outputs
pinMode(A1B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, INPUT);
digitalWrite(A1A, LOW); // start with the motors off
digitalWrite(A1B, LOW);
void loop() {
buttonState = digitalRead(2);
// Serial.println(buttonState);
if(buttonState == HIGH){
digitalWrite(A1A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(A1B, LOW);
digitalWrite(A1A, LOW);
digitalWrite(A1B, LOW);
After measuring the Voltage and the Resistance of the circuit I found it was drawing 4.88 volts and had a resistance of 4.7 Ohms. Since V = IR then I = V / R. So the current is equal to 4.88/4.7 = 1.038. Which means our circuit was drawing 1.038 amps.
voltage reading

resistance reading
